Our Trauma Informed Practice
A trauma informed organisation works with six core values …
Safety: ensuring physical and emotional safety
Trustworthiness: creating respectful environments where personal boundaries are maintained
Choice: creating environments where individuals have choice and control
Collaboration: making decisions with the individual and sharing power
Empowerment: prioritising empowerment and skills building
Cultural consideration: moving past cultural stereotypes and biases
As a trauma informed organisation, we are committed to...
Taking into account the impact of trauma on people’s thinking, feelings, and behaviours
Involving all staff in working in a trauma-informed way
Avoiding triggering trauma reactions and re-traumatising people
Adjusting organisational procedures and processes to support each person’s coping capacity
Allowing survivors to manage their trauma symptoms successfully so that they can benefit from services
Being gender responsive and culturally competent
Participant quotes
"What an honour to be the very first to receive this award. We feel like history-makers! It’s been an extremely useful, reflective process and its definitely challenged and strengthened us personally and professionally."
Jenny Walmsley, BearFace Theatre
Check out Jenny’s blog here.